ABOUT YourSeedbox
A seedbox is a server where you can download and upload torrents. All of this happens by the use of a webinterface. Immediately when the torrent is downloaded (which will go way faster than on your house’s connection) you can download it through FTP(S), HTTP(S) on your house computer. Of course all of this happens in complete anonymity and you don’t have any upload traffic at home. So this is also a great way to improve your seed ratio.
We offer you the service of a shared seedbox server to make it easy and fast!
We have experience with more than 10Gbps of data! So we have a fast network available for you.
With most questions replied within one hour, you don't need to wait.
We have more then 5985 days experience with over 15 000 clients
Keep your (personal) data secure with us! We never give personal details to other parties.
No wait time, we deliver in less then 2 minutes after payment. We have a large stock available.
We do not keep records or logs. This for privacy reasons!
You can cancel any time your product to stop the contract.
You can pay with BitCoin, CreditCard, iDeal, Sofort, Bancontact, Western Union and Bank Transfer.
When you pay for more then one month you get a reduction as a thank you.